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Individual Features


Investomation helps you research best areas to invest in based on your own investing criteria and recent demographic trends. We also make it easy for you to track your existing investments, bills, rentals, reminders, documents and metrics on performance of your investments. Our metrics allow you to analyze how well your investments are doing and recommend best-value improvements.


You can use the sliders on the left to adjust weights for each demographic feature to fine-tune your preferences. Far left represents a strongly undesired feature (-100%). Far right represents a strongly desired one (100%). A score of 0% means that the feature does not matter to you. You can also save these preferences for later. Once applied, you will see a cloropleth map ranking each region of US based on percentile score. The colors are scored as follows:

No Data 0% 100% (most desirable)

The scores are recomputed as you zoom relative to local region, and detailed statistics are shown to you. You can also mark your properties on this map for easier tracking later.

Property Management

Once you mark a location, you can attach notes to it, create reminders, and attach files. We will track important events for you and remind you as needed. Let our system gather analytics on your properties and recommend optimizations based on statistics and experience of professional investors.